‘Naomi’ is The CW’s latest superhero show. The series stars Kaci Walfall as comic book-loving teenager Naomi, who explores her hidden destiny after a supernatural event shakes her small hometown of Port Oswego. It is created by Ava DuVernay and is based on a comic book series of the same name. The show also stars Mary-Charles Jones, Cranston Johnson, Alexander Wraith, Daniel Puig, Aidan Gemme, Will Meyers, Barry Watson, Mouzam Makkar, and more.

‘Naomi’ is Kaci’s breakout role. She previously said about the role, “We’re both teenagers. We’re both Black girls. But I think going even deeper than that, we both have a sense of drive and passion within ourselves.” Click through the gallery to see more photos from the series, which premieres January 11.
