Cottesmore School in West Sussex, England, has introduced an AI headmaster named Abigail Bailey to assist the human headmaster, Tom Rogerson.

Abigail, a product of collaboration with an AI developer, will provide invaluable support in various capacities. Abigail will offer insights and guidance on a wide range of matters, from aiding teachers and staff members to supporting students with learning disabilities, such as ADHD, and formulating school policies.

With a wealth of knowledge in machine learning and education management, Abigail can analyze vast datasets.

Importantly, the introduction of Abigail does not signal the replacement of human teachers. Instead, she complements the school’s staff.

Tom Rogerson emphasized that having an AI presence is a reassuring addition, providing quick and reliable information, but it doesn’t negate the need for human counsel.

Being a school leader can be a solitary role, and the AI headmaster offers invaluable assistance, making the decision-making process more efficient.

Abigail Bailey operates through text-based interactions, where users type questions, and she responds using her algorithm.

This innovative approach is designed to enhance the educational experience at Cottesmore, emphasizing collaboration between humans and AI.

Additionally, Cottesmore School has another AI-based staff member, Jamie Rainer, specializing in generative AI.

Jamie’s role is to facilitate the integration of technology into the curriculum and advise teachers on reducing their workload
